Service Level Agreement (SLA)

1. Introduction

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is made and entered into as of [Date] by and between The Watchmaker ("Service Provider") and [Client Company Name] ("Client"). It outlines the IT consulting services to be provided, the performance expectations, and the responsibilities of both parties.

2. Purpose

This SLA ensures that the necessary elements and commitments are in place for the service provider to provide consistent IT consulting services to the Client and establish clear expectations regarding service levels, performance, and support.

3. Services Provided

The Service Provider agrees to provide the following IT consulting services to the Client:

CRM Solutions:
  - CRM Strategy and Planning
  - CRM Selection and Procurement
  - CRM Implementation
  - Customer Engagement and Marketing
  - Reporting and Analytics
  - Performance Optimization
  - Training and Support
  - Workflow Automation
  - Customization and Development
  - API Development
  - Integration Services
  - Compliance and Security

Technology Audits:
  - Pre-Audit Prep With Stakeholders
  - Current Technology Assessment
  - Infrastructure Evaluation
  - Data Management Assessment
  - Systems Integration Assessment
  - User Experience Analysis
  - Cost Analysis
  - Future-Proofing Tips
  - Report and Recommendations
  - Actionable Implementation Plan

Project Management:
  - Pre-Launch Project Scoping
  - Project Charter
  - Complete Project Management
  - Risk Assessment
  - Change Management
  - Communication and Reporting
  - Resource Allocation and Management
  - Project Closure and Evaluation

4. Service Hours

The Service Provider will provide services during the following hours:
- Regular Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET
- After-hours Support: Available upon request with prior notice and may be subject to additional charges

5. Performance Metrics

The Service Provider agrees to meet the following performance metrics:
- Response Time: Initial response to Client inquiries and support requests within 1 business day.
- Resolution Time: Resolution of issues within 24 hours for critical/high-priority issues, 48 hours for medium priority, and 72 hours for low priority.
- Uptime: Systems and services uptime of 99.5% during service hours.

6. Priority Levels and Response Times

The Service Provider will prioritize issues based on their severity and impact on the Client's operations. The priority levels and corresponding response times are as follows:

- Priority 1 (Critical): Complete system outage or significant impact on business operations.
  - Response Time: 1 hour
  - Resolution Time: 4 hours

- Priority 2 (High): Major functionality impaired or significant degradation of service.
  - Response Time: 2 hours
  - Resolution Time: 24 hours

- Priority 3 (Medium): Moderate impact on business operations, workaround available.
  - Response Time: 4 hours
  - Resolution Time: 48 hours

- Priority 4 (Low): Minor impact on business operations, general inquiries.
  - Response Time: 8 hours
  - Resolution Time: 72 hours

7. Client Responsibilities

The Client agrees to:
- Provide timely access to necessary information, resources, and personnel.
- Ensure that all software and hardware meet the minimum requirements specified by the Service Provider.
- Promptly report any issues or concerns to the Service Provider.
- Comply with all reasonable requests from the Service Provider related to the delivery of services.

8. Service Provider Responsibilities

The Service Provider agrees to:
- Provide services in a professional and timely manner.
- Maintain the necessary expertise and resources to fulfill the service commitments.
- Communicate effectively with the Client regarding service updates, issues, and resolutions.
- Ensure confidentiality and security of the Client's data and information.

9. Service Review and Reporting

The Service Provider will provide the Client with regular service reports detailing the performance metrics, issues resolved, and any ongoing concerns. Service review meetings will be held bi-monthly to discuss performance, address any issues, and plan for future improvements.

10. Compensation

The Client agrees to compensate the Service Provider as follows:
- CRM Consulting: $175 per hour
- Technology Audit: $7,200 per audit
- Project Management: $150 per hour
- Additional Charges: Applicable for after-hours support, emergency services, or additional services beyond the scope of this agreement.

11. Penalty Clauses

To ensure adherence to the agreed service levels, the following penalties will apply for non-compliance:

- Response Time Violation: For every instance where the response time exceeds the agreed time by more than 1 hour, a 5% discount will be applied to the monthly invoice for the affected service.
Resolution Time Violation: For every instance where the resolution time exceeds the agreed time by more than 4 hours for critical/high-priority issues, 8 hours for medium-priority issues, and 12 hours for low-priority issues, a 10% discount will be applied to the monthly invoice for the affected service.
- Uptime Violation: If the uptime falls below 99.5% in any given month, a 15% discount will be applied to the monthly invoice for the affected service.

12. Service Improvement Plan

In the event of repeated service level failures, the Service Provider will implement a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) to address and rectify the issues. The SIP will include:

- Root Cause Analysis: Identify the underlying causes of the service level failures.
- Action Plan: Develop and implement specific actions to address the identified causes.
- Timeline: Establish a timeline for the implementation of the action plan.
- Monitoring: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the actions taken and make adjustments as necessary.
- Reporting: Provide regular progress reports to the Client until the service levels are restored to the agreed standards.

13. Term and Termination

This SLA will commence on [Start Date] and continue for a period of [X] months/years. Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days written notice. Termination for cause may occur if either party breaches any material term of this SLA and fails to remedy the breach within 14 days of receiving notice.

14. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this SLA will be resolved through negotiation between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute will be submitted to mediation/arbitration in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

15. Amendments

This SLA may be amended only in writing and signed by both parties.

16. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the term of this agreement.

17. Governing Law

This SLA will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania.

18. Signatures

By signing below, both parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this SLA.


The Watchmaker

By: ____________________________  
Name: Holly Lazzaro
Title: Founder, Principal
Date: ___________________________

[Client Company Name]

By: ____________________________  
Name: [Client's Name]  
Title: [Client's Title]  
Date: ___________________________